Happy Halloween

I saw this post on Facebook and thought it was worth passing along.

For those passing out candy this year, when a teenager comes to your door please give them candy with out saying “aren’t you too old to be doing this?”. They could be out doing things much worse: drinking & driving; vandalizing; drugs. I would rather they be knocking on my door asking for candy having safe and legal fun than having them do dangerous things. Let them be kids as long as they can be; they are growing up way too fast.

Also, please don’t refuse a child candy because they aren’t dressed up. Some children are autistic or have sensory issues that make dressing up highly uncomfortable, if not unbearable.

And one last thing, size doesn’t always determine mental age or special needs.

P.S. Some children don’t speak either, so please be kind when their parents or grandparents or a family member says “Trick or Treat” for them🎃

Have a safe and happy Halloween.

Post by Admin
October 30, 2017